It’s wonderful that we all make resolutions. The problem is: following through on them. It’s easy to talk the talk, but not so easy to walk the walk. Just remember the mantra – change is good.
Most resolutions we make are regarding our physical and mental health. Whether it is just to feel better, get healthier, lose weight, or to try to add activities to our lives to improve our lifestyle. At GNC, they promote starting with a healthy breakfast (maybe add some whey protein to that oatmeal?), or, if you are vegan, try a vegan breakfast bowl with some vege-complete protein. I’m not vegan but I have come around to trying the oatmeal. Not bad, and it fills you up!
Throughout the day try to have healthy snacks. Mixed nuts are a great snack, and fruits and vegetables of course. That’s not always convenient depending on your job or your lifestyle. So, try a protein shake instead. They are pretty tasty. Not quite as tasty as a Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino from Starbucks but they are also a ton fewer calories and much lower sugar content (the frappuccino would put me into a diabetic sugar coma).
Try to get more active! It makes a huge difference especially if you have a desk job. Even a short 5 to 15-minute walk daily in the fresh air makes a huge difference both physically and mentally. I promise you; you will notice the difference! I try to park on the outskirts of the parking lots, so I force myself to walk further.
Take a daily multivitamin. Statistics have shown that 50% of the population do not get enough vitamins from their food consumption. In this day and age, I think there are a lot of Skip the Dishes happening so we’re not getting all the fruits and vegetables we need. We do need to supplement with one of the many multi-vitamins available, especially Vitamin C. At GNC they have Vitamin C in every form available: from tablets, chews, to gummy bears. I have to admit I’m hooked on the gummy bears!
Nutrition House also has many products such as vitamins, supplements, organic compounds, etc. to help with your immune system, digestive system, and all-round health. They also carry some alternative items to help improve your life.
Stress management is key for leading a healthier more productive life. Besides exercise and proper rest, many people now help manage their stress with the use of Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils where the oil is inhaled or used topically on the skin for sleep, headaches, and other conditions. Essential oils are used with the intention of preventing or treating illness, reducing stress, or enhancing well-being. Using a diffuser with essential oils is awesome. I love the Lavender Vanilla, it definitely helps me relax and get better sleep. Nutrition House also carries lava bracelets and other jewellery that incorporate essential oils. Your body warms the oil allowing for the slow diffusion of the scent. Sounds lovely!
Himalayan salt lamps are another item that Nutrition House sells. They are decorative lights you can buy for your home carved out of pink Himalayan salt. They are believed to have various health benefits. In fact, advocates of salt lamps claim they can clean the air in your home, soothe allergies, boost your mood and help you sleep.
I hope my suggestions get you thinking about the many ways that you can try to become the best that you can be. One step at a time, you will see and feel a difference. Wishing you the best!